Wild Edible Plants Wiki

The overall goal for the Wild Edible Plants Wiki, as of it's birthday.

There are many wild edible resources out there. There are even good connectors like Plants for a Future. I have not encountered any wiki sites for this stuff, though. Gathering was, and should remain, a community endeavour, in many ways. Without the community, we wouldn't know which plants are safe to eat. We wouldn't learn about the poisonous pitfalls we could fall into, especially local ones. Without community, it is not a feasible thing, to forage for wild edibles as there are so many people in the world with so little land that a pristine, unused, legal place to forage is a very rare (and getting rarer) thing to find.

So, enough of the long-winded stuff. Bluntly, this wiki will be a connector. Bringing together the various sites so that people need not blunder across each island of info, spending precious time trying to find the islands instead of learning what it is they want to learn and getting out there to go foraging with confidence.
